Central California Area Social Services Consortium
The Central California region possesses a host of uniquely different economic and social challenges that are unlike many other areas of California. Many of the region's social and human issues are interconnected and similar due to comparable economic conditions and similar social demographics, which have largely ignored county political boundaries. As such, assessing the regional vitality and quality of life requires a regional perspective and understanding to address.
Examples include understanding how the region's high poverty and unemployment rates impacts the quality of life across a number of social and personal domains. CCASSC provides a much-needed regional forum for university representatives and public social service directors to discuss complex and multi-faceted social issues faced by many regional communities.

CCASSC's mission is to develop strategies to address pressing regional human service needs by working with regional and state policymakers and institutions to develop solutions. University partners support the mission of CCASSC through research; analyzing and developing data and information to better inform membership. Ultimately, this regional university-community partnership aims to improve the quality of life for all residents in the Central California region.