Central California Area Social Services Consortium
Project Outcomes
- C-CFSR Site Visit Results and Statewide Implications:
- Presented to CWDA Children's Regional Sub-Committee to assist counties with C-CFSR/SIP planning and compliance.
- Central California Methamphetamine Incidence Study: A (4) County Survey:
- Distributed data and research findings to 12 CCASSC Counties to use for grants/funding opportunities/community education related to the high percentage of Methamphetamine impacted families served by County CWS programs.
- Presented to California Welfare Director's Association (CWDA) as a regional work product for dissemination statewide.
- Use of IBM Business Objects for County Outcome Data Analysis:
- Resulted in establishment of a CCASSC IBM Business Objects user group. The group meets quarterly with county representatives to work collaboratively on outcome data/data analysis projects related to CWS/CMS. Technical Assistance is provided by Terry Luna, Central California Training Academy.
- SB163 Wrapround Participation Rates:
- Information sharing assisted Mariposa County with launch of a SB163 Wraparound Program.
- Information sharing assisted CCASSC "Wrap" Counties with utilization of SB163 Children's Trust Fund dollars.
- Research "Talking Points" on Poverty Reduction in Central California/CCASSC Poverty
Reduction Roundtable:
- Utilized for establishing a CCASSC regional data/information link with the County Welfare Director's Association (CWDA) and Child & Family Policy Institute of California (CFPIC).
- Research Brief: Responding to the Needs of Mother and Children Affected by Methamphetamine
Abuse in Central California:
- Presented to the Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley – (SJV Partnership) Board of Directors for adoption as a work product on behalf of the Health and Human Services Workgroup.
- Established CCASSC on a recognized statewide leader in identifying issues and response to California's Methamphetamine problem.
- Established a formal link between CCASSC and the California Department of Health and Human Services and California Department of Drug and Alcohol Services.
- Received valley-wide media coverage as part of a television special broadcast by KVPT television.
- Presentation: Comparative Data – Central Region Child Welfare Service Outcomes:
- CCASSC is a recognized statewide leader in utilization of CWS/CMS outcome data to improve SIP outcomes.
- Presentation: Comparative Data – Disproportionate Representation of Children of Color
in Central Region Foster Homes:
- CCASSC Support/Leadership in the area of "disproportionate representation" was a significant factor in the selection of the region to host the California Disproportionately Project funded through Casey Family Programs, CFPIC, and the California Co-Investment Partnership.
- Helped establish and demonstrate CCASSC counties knowledge and expertise in issues related to disproportionate representation. The Central Region is now known statewide as an innovator in addressing disproportionate representation by virtue of its "Cultural Broker" program and coordination of the California Disproportionality Project Statewide Convening's.
- Claims Integrity Unit (CIU):
- Established by CCASSC in 2005 to improve claiming accuracy and maximal use of available federal funds to support human service programs. As a result of CIU activities:
- CCASSC established a Regional Fiscal Subcommittee. County fiscal staff meets quarterly to share information and improve fiscal training/capacity.
- Several county human service departments have utilized the internal audit service of CIU to identify Title IVE and MediCal claiming strengths and needs.
- Counties (Madera, Kings, Fresno and Calaveras) have utilized CIU audits and training to improve the accuracy of Title IVE claiming through County Probation Departments.
- Fresno County utilized CIU to maximize Title XIX and Title IVE claiming thru its Children's Mental Health Department.
- White Paper for the Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley – "Regional Human Service
Needs and Recommended Actions":
- Successfully used to advocate for Human Services to be added to the Governor's Partnership declaration as an area of critical need.
- Lead to establishment of three Partnership workgroups:
- Methamphetamine Impact on Families and Children
- Improvement of recruitment and services to relative care providers as a means to address increases in foster home placement and disproportionate representation
- Establishment of a SJV grant funding resource to assist valley agencies with competitive funding opportunities.
- Adult Services System of Care:
- Established a regional workgroup to prepare and submit a proposal for a Regional Adult System of Care. The proposal was submitted in response to a Federal RFP. While the regional proposal ultimately was not funded, CCASSC received Statewide recognition for its ability to "work across County lines" to develop and prepare regional solutions to local needs.
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI):
- Established a partnership with the National Resource Center for Organizational Improvement, CDSS and Federal Region IX to explore and implement a service quality assurance program in CCASSC counties. The partnership has resulted in several CCASSC counties establishing CQI programs that support AB636 Child Welfare System Improvements and the State's compliance with the Federal Child and Family Service Review (CFSR).