Drawing from the faculty resources of the College of Health and Human Services, the
Center has a wealth of interdisciplinary expertise in areas that include environmental
health, health promotion, health policy, mental health, maternal and child health,
women’s health, epidemiology, substance abuse, child welfare, foster care, social
work, recreation and leisure studies, interprofessional collaboration, physical therapy
and rehabilitation, biomechanics, disability prevention, aging and gerontology, communicative
disorders and deaf studies, exercise physiology, sports psychology and sports medicine.
The research staff includes Center-based researchers, research fellows, analysts and
graduate students in addition to university faculty. Center researchers have expertise
in performing different types of studies and methods in the health and human service
fields, including studies that examine population trends using public data sources;
qualitative studies using interviews and focus groups; and evaluation studies that
evaluate a program or policy. Researchers are also skilled at designing original studies
to answer research questions that require the collection of primary data, such as
surveys, individual evaluations, outcome assessments or program evaluations. In addition
to publishing research findings in Center reports, web sites, data exhibits, policy
briefs and fact sheets, researchers also publish their work in books, scholarly journals
and give conference presentations.
The Center convenes community forums, policy briefings and conferences for community
stakeholders, including health and social service providers, business professionals,
educators, administrators, elected officials and media representatives. These events
are geared towards both community-based and professional audiences.
Center staff members and College faculty are experienced presenters and are available
to speak at conferences, meetings, legislative briefings, research symposia and public
community events.
Center staff can organize and provide seminars, workshops, consultation and coaching
on a range of topics across the health and human service fields, based on their areas
of expertise. Speakers are especially skilled in helping groups use and understand
research data and its implications for community assessment and policy evaluation.
Center staff can also provide technical assistance to governmental agencies, community
organizations, media organizations, elected officials, administrators and others to
assist in planning, program development or policy analysis
The Central California Center for Health and Human Services offers poster printing
services to CSUF faculty and staff. Please see set-up instructions and sample PowerPoint slide and presentation template to find out to prepare your poster for printing.For more information or help with
your poster please contact Donna DeRoo at or (559) 228-2150.