Advising and Career Development Center
Nursing Admissions
The College of Health and Human Services Pre-Health Program provides support to First Time Freshman students exploring careers in health and human services professions with academic advising and career exploration. The Pre-Health Program allows students interested in Nursing, Kinesiology-Exercise Science, Health Science-Community Health and Social Work to explore these majors and career pathways. The Pre-Health Program, a three-semester program is for first time freshmen and will blend in all lower division general education. Students in the Pre-Health Program will enroll in HHS 18A: Career Pathways in Health and Human Services in their first semester and HHS 18B: Career Exploration in Health and Human Services in their second semester to assist in the exploration process. During the second semester, an academic counselor will work with students to identify a major appropriate to their career path based on their career exploration.
If a student would like to continue in the Nursing track, beginning in their third semester, students apply to continue the last prerequisites. Students must meet a minimum of a 3.0 Pre-Requisite and Cumulative GPA in order to apply to continue to take the prerequisite courses. Each semester, students are evaluated for meeting the minimums and for competitiveness for the program to continue in the program. Once the following requirements are met, students may apply for admission to the Nursing program.
All 8 Prerequisites are completed
A minimum prerequisite and Cumulative GPA of 3.0
Meet minimum competitiveness for the major
TEAS test passed with a 75% or higher
The College of Health and Human Services Pre-Health Program provides support to First Time Freshman students exploring careers in health and human services professions with academic advising and career exploration. The Pre-Health Program allows students interested in Nursing, Kinesiology-Exercise Science, Health Science-Community Health and Social Work to explore these majors and career pathways. The Pre-Health Program, a three-semester program is for first time freshmen and will blend in all lower division general education. Students in the Pre-Health Program will enroll in HHS 18A: Career Pathways in Health and Human Services in their first semester and HHS 18B: Career Exploration in Health and Human Services in their second semester to assist in the exploration process. During the second semester, an academic counselor will work with students to identify a major appropriate to their career path based on their career exploration.
If a student would like to continue in the Nursing track, beginning in their third semester, students apply to continue the last prerequisites. Students must meet a minimum of a 3.0 Pre-Requisite and Cumulative GPA in order to apply to continue to take the prerequisite courses. Each semester, students are evaluated for meeting the minimums to continue in the program. Once the following requirements are met, students may apply for admission to the Nursing program.
- All 8 Prerequisites are completed
- A minimum prerequisite and Cumulative GPA of 3.0
- TEAS test passed with a 75% or higher
BSN Program Admission Policies & Procedures (Pre Health-Fall 2020 and forward, Continuing Pre-Nursing- Prior to Fall 2020, Transfer Students, Second Bachelor Students)
Fresno State's BSN program is on impacted status (the number of applications received is greater than the number of vacancies for the program). Therefore, admission into the nursing major is very competitive; there is no waiting list. Applicants must reapply each time and compete with the entire applicant pool if not selected. A 3.75 Pre-Requisite GPA is the historical competitive GPA for the program. Please take this into consideration when applying.
Due to COVID-19 and the changes to instruction and grading at Fresno State for the Spring 2020 semester the School of Nursing has made the following decisions for Spring 2020-Fall 2021 semesters in relation to Nursing admissions policies.
1. Credit/No Credit grading will be allowed for all Pre-Requisite courses taken only in the Spring 2020, Summer 2020, and Fall 2020 semesters.
2. Starting again in Spring 2021 and forward all Pre-Requisite courses must be letter grades and CR/NC will not be accepted.
3. Science classes (Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology 1&2) will be accepted in Online, Hybrid and In Person formats
FALL 2025 NURSINGCAS APPLICATION DATES: The supplemental application will be open on the following dates for the following groups of students. Please refer to the Application Process Tab for CSU Apply Dates.
BSN UNDERGRADUATE: February 1st-28th
BSN SECOND BACHELOR'S: February 1st-28th
RN-BSN UNDERGRADUATE: February 1st-March 7th
RN-BSN SECOND BACHELOR'S: February 1st-March 7th
Spring 2026 NURSINGCAS APPLICATION DATES: The supplemental application will be open on the following dates for the following groups of students. Please refer to the Application Process Tab for CSU Apply Dates.
BSN UNDERGRADUATE Continuing Pre-Health Students Only (Transfer Students not Eligible for Spring Application Cycle): July 1st-31st
RN-BSN UNDERGRADUATE: July 1st-August 8th
RN-BSN SECOND BACHELOR'S: July 1st-August 8th
Prerequisite Courses |
GE Requirement |
Units |
Oral Communication (COMM 3, 7, or 8) | A1 | 3 |
Written Communication (ENGL 5B or 10) | A2 | 3 |
Critical Thinking (Any Critical Thinking Course) | A3 | 3 |
Statistics (MATH 11 or PH 92 preferred) | B4 | 3 |
Introductory General Chemistry (CHEM 3A) | B1 & B3 | 4 |
Introductory Microbiology (BIOL 20N) | B2 | 4 |
Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL 67A)* | 4 | |
Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL 67B)* | 4 |
*Human Anatomy and Human Physiology courses taken at the Community Colleges will be accepted. Verify courses through
- Each prerequisite must be completed with a minimum 'C' grade
- CR/NC grades are NOT accepted. Excluding Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate (Credit/No Credit grading will be allowed for all Pre-Requisite courses taken only in the Spring 2020, Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 semesters at Fresno State).
- Students are able to repeat one failed prerequisite within the eight prerequisite courses.
- First course taken in each category with a grade of "C" or higher will be counted
- Online, web-based, or distance learning science and laboratory courses taken at other institutions are acceptable
- All Pre-Requisite courses must be completed before the application deadline each cycle with grades posted on transcripts.
- A 3.75 GPA in the Pre-Requisistes is the historical competitive GPA. Please take this into considersation when applying.
All Pre-Requisites courses must be completed the semester before application to the program.
Current Fresno State Student
Prospective Fresno State Student
One application
*See Supplemental Application Information.
Two applications
**Attention NON-Fresno State Students**
Unfortunately due to high volume, we cannot accommodate requests for evaluation of transcript(s) and/or GPA calculation during the application cycle
- Supplemental application is accessed via NursingCAS (
- NursingCAS Instructions:
NCAS Guide
- TEAS Sample:
Individual Performance Profile
- Application fee is $50
Nursing Application Workshop Sign Up
We will have a Nursing application informational workshop once a semester at the beginning of the Fall and Spring application cycles.
- Fall 2025 Applicaiton Workshop: Monday, Feb 3rd at 2:00pm
If you are ready to apply to the Nursing program then a link will be provided on this website once a cycle to sign up for a virtual workshop. A zoom link will be sent the day of the application workshop. If you have questions about the application this is the workshop to attend. This is not for individual one on one application help but for general questions that most students have as they work through the Nursing application.
- Past Application Workshop: If you have questions and missed the workshop please click
on the link to watch the presetation
Application Information Fall Admission Cycle
(February 1-28)
Spring Admission Cycle
(July 1 - 31)
Open to ALL eligible applicants.(Transfer, 2nd Baccalaureate, Continuing Fresno State Pre-Health students, and Returning Students)
- Prerequisite courses must be completed the previous Fall.
- TEAS must be completed by February 28th.
Open to all eligible continuing Fresno State Pre-Health student applicants and Second Baccalaureate students.
- Prerequisite courses must be completed the Spring prior.
- All course grades must be posted on transcripts at time of application deadline.
- TEAS must be completed by July 31st.
*NOTE: NursingCAS application deadline is before 8:59pm PST (11:59PM EST).
Effective Fall 2017
- Maximum of two attempts to earn the required 75% or higher. Students will be allowed to take the TEAS beyond 2 attempts, only after 5 years have passed from the first attempt.
- TEAS VII is only accepted starting June 3rd, 2022.
- TEAS VI will still accepted if taken prior to June 3rd, 2022
- TEAS V will no longer be accepted after June 3rd, 2022
- Visit the TEAS website for more information:
Nursing Admissions & University Policies
Transfer Student Admissions
- Transfer students must directly apply to Fresno State's BSN Program as a Nursing Major.
(Fall Only)
- Pre-Nursing is discontinued as of Fall 2019 and students will need to directly apply to the program
- If a student is not admitted to the Nursing Program they will be admitted to their secondary choice.
- If a students starts in their secondary choice they must graduate with that major and reapply as a second bachelors applicant. Once a students starts at the university they will not be allowed to apply to the Nursing Program.
- Incoming Freshman: Will apply as Pre-Health Majors and follow specific Pre-Health criteria to apply to the Nursing Program.
Second Bachelors Admissions
- Second bachelors students must have a completed and conferred degree in order to be
eligible to apply.
- If a degree is not conferred a student is inelgible to apply as a second bachelors student.
- Second bachelors students must apply to the nursing secondary application through as well as Cal State Apply as a Graduate Student.
- Missing one of these application could result in ineligiblity to be considered.
- Second Bachelors students need only complete Statistics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology Part 1 and 2 or the Seperate Anatomy and Physiology courses. Credit will be given for English, Critical Thinking and Speech based on completion of their first Bachelors Degree.
- If a second bachelors student is not admitted to the program they are also not admitted to the University.
Local Service Area Admissions Priority
The Nursing Program gives priority admission review to the following groups:
- Current Fresno State Pre-Health students
- Local Admission Area Transfer applicants with majority of units from a community college in our local area: LOCAL ADMISSION AREA
- Current Military or Veterans with honorable discharge - submit DD214 with application
Applicants from these groups do not receive priority review status:
- Transfer applicants that did not earn a majority of units from community colleges within the local service area
Adding a Second Major
- Students who wish to declare a second major must submit a plan approved by the department offering the second major which demonstrates that the new major can be completed within 144 units. Students may not add a second major after completing the requirement for their first major unless students have not exceeded 120 earned units at the time of declaration.
Changing a Major
- Student requests to change a major must be approved by the department of the new major/option indicating that the student has been advised. If the student has 90 or more earned units, the request to the new department must be accompanied by a plan demonstrating that the new major can be completed within 144 units. If you are exceeding 144 units, the plan and request to change major or minor must be reviewed by Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Subject to approval.
International Students / Coursework & Admissions Eligibility
No prerequisite courses taken at an international institution are accepted to fulfill the nursing admissions prerequisites. Equivalent prerequisite course and nursing additional requirements must be taken and/or repeated at domestic institution in the U.S.
Other Fresno State Nursing Programs
SPECIAL NOTE: The accelerated entry level nursing master’s degree program known as Entry Level Master’s Nursing program (ELM) is no longer offered.
For questions regarding the Nursing application, please contact the Nursing Admissions
Office / CHHS ACDC at 559.278.5027 or via email at