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Advising and Career Development Center

Traditional BSN Nursing Admissions

The College of Health and Human Services Advising and Career Development Center (ACDC) works closely with the Fresno State School of Nursing regarding the evaluation of applicants for the undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. The School of Nursing offers two programs culminating in the BSN degree; a traditional BSN program intended for pre-licensure freshmen and transfer students, and the associate degree registered nurse to bachelor of science in nursing program (RN-BSN).

ACDC counselors conduct the evaluation of applicant transcripts for both programs and can assist with questions related to admission eligiblity, pre-requisites, and competitiveness.

Please Note: This page is for applicants currently pursuing a nursing license. For students possessing a nursing license wanting to pursue a BSN, please visit our RN-BSN page instead.

Program Information:

Eligibility Requirements

The traditional Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) program requires a minimum of 120 semester units, and consists of a five-semester sequence of courses. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and the California Public Health Nurse Certificate. 

Eligible applicants for the traditional BSN program include declared Pre-Health Fresno State students, transfer students, and students who have earned a bachelors degree ("2nd Bachelor"). All applicant types may not be eligible for all application cycles. All applicants must meet the following requirements to be eligible for admission to the nursing program:

  • Completion of 8 Pre-Requisite Courses
  • A Minimum Pre-Requisite and Cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • TEAS passed with a 75% or higher

Access Nursing Advising Sheets by clicking here.

Pre-Requisite Requirements

In compliance with CSU Executive Order 1084, Fresno State requires a grade of "C" or better in the following eight pre-requisite areas:

Pre-Requisite Area Fresno State Coursework GE Area Non-Fresno State Students
Oral Communication COMM 3, 7, or 8 A1 Any A1 course or intro to public speaking, persuasion, or group communication course
Written Communication ENGL 10 or 5B A2 Any A2 or college-level introductory reading and writing course
Critical Thinking Any A3 Course A3 Any A3 or course that aligns with the learning outcomes of critical thinking
Statistics MATH 11 or PH 92 Preferred B4 Any introductory, behavioral, or medical statistics class
Chemistry CHEM 3A B1 Any introductory or general chemistry course, including for health sciences. Must include a laboratory component (online is accepted)
Microbiology BIOL 20 or 20N B2 Any introductory microbiology, medical microbiology, or microbiology for health (no animal/plant microbiology). Must include a laboratory component (online is accepted)
Introductory Human Anatomy BIOL 67A N/A Any introductory human anatomy course or combined sequence. Must include a laboratory component (online is accepted)
Introductory Human Physiology BIOL 67B N/A Any introductory human physiology course or combined sequence. Must include a laboratory component (online is accepted)

Please Note: Pre-Requisite equivalency is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and can be confirmed prior to applying by contacting

Pre-Requisite Course Policy

  • Each prerequisite must be completed with a minimum 'C' grade. Students may not retake pre-requisite courses with a passing grade, and only credit for the first passing attempt will be considered.
  • CR/NC grades are NOT accepted, Excluding Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate
  • Students may only repeat one failed prerequisite area within the eight prerequisite courses; students who fail two or more areas are ineligible to apply for ten years from the first failed pre-requisite.
  • Online, web-based, or distance learning science and laboratory courses taken at other institutions are acceptable in the pre-requisite areas.
  • All Pre-Requisite courses must be completed before the application deadline each cycle with grades posted on transcripts. Students may not apply with courses in-progress. 

Pre-Requisite Course Equivalency

All students, including continuing Fresno State students, may complete pre-requisites through any California Community College, CSU, UC, or other accredited institution. To confirm course equivalency students may use for community college coursework or contact the Advising and Career Development Center by emailing for pre-evaluation of transcripts. 

International Coursework

No pre-requisite courses taken at an international institution are accepted to fulfill the nursing admissions prerequisites. Equivalent prerequisite course and nursing additional requirements must be taken and/or repeated at domestic institution in the U.S.

Nursing Additional Major Requirements

In addition to the 59 units of coursework required by the BSN program curriculum, admitted students must complete four additional requirements prior to degree completion. These courses are not required for admissions and instead must completed by time of graduation, but may be completed prior to beginning the nursing program at another institution. Beginning with the Fall 2024 admission cycle, nursing students must complete the following:

Fresno State Course Nursing Area GE Area Units
PHIL 20 or 120 Moral Questions or Contemporary Conflicts of Morals C2 or IC 3
PSYCH 10 Introduction to Psychology D2 3
NUTR 53 Nutrition and Health: Realities and Controversies E 3
ANTH 116W Upper Division Writing Skills ID/UDWR 3

Equivalent coursework may be found using The Upper Division Writing Skills requirement may only be completed at a California State University Campus.

University Requirements

Transfer students must also complete all other University/CSU requirements prior to graduation, including:

  • Upper Division GE (IB, IC, & ID)
  • Upper Division Writing Skills Requirement
  • Multicultural/International (Cleared by NURS 141)
  • American Government (PLSI 2)

All new nursing students should consult with an ACDC advisor for remaining requirements upon admission. 

TEAS Requirements

Students applying to the Fresno State BSN program must complete the TEAS with a minimum score of 75% within two attempts. A third attempt will only be considered five years after the first attempt. 

Beginning June 2022, the current version is the TEAS VII

The TEAS VI will be accepted until the release of the TEAS VIII; the TEAS V is no longer accepted.

What is the TEAS?

The TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is a standardized exam used for admissions into nursing programs, including Fresno State’s BSN program. It assesses a student’s readiness for nursing school by testing key academic skills in four areas:

  • Reading – Comprehension and information interpretation
  • Math – Basic algebra, measurements, and data interpretation
  • Science – Biology, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology
  • English & Language Usage – Grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary

A more comprehensive breakdown can be found on the ATI website.

Taking the TEAS

Fresno State will accept any modality for the TEAS (in-person or remote online, and proctored by ATI or an institution). Applicants must take the TEAS for Nursing. 

TEAS Website

Application Cycles:

Fresno State admits BSN students during a Fall and Spring application cycle. All students must complete the supplemental application through NursingCAS. Transfer and Second Bachelors applicants will need to also complete the application process and meet all requirements for admission to Fresno State. All requirements must be completed prior to submitting an application through NursingCAS; in-progress coursework will be considered incomplete. 

Fresno State admits students to the BSN program primarily based on the GPA in the eight pre-requisite courses. The historical competitive GPA in the pre-requisites is a 3.75 GPA. Please take this into consideration when applying.


Fall Application Cycle

February 1st - 28th

Open to ALL eligible applicants (Transfer, 2nd Bachelor, Continuing Fresno State Pre-Health students, and Returning Students)

Application Closes 8:59 PST
Apply Now

Spring Application Cycle

July 1st - 31st

Only open to Continuing Fresno State Pre-Health students, 2nd Bachelors, and Returning students.

Application Closes 8:59 PST
Apply Now

Please Note:
Because all requirements must be completed prior to applying, there is typically a "gap" semester between admission and beginning the program. For example, a student applying for the Fall 2025 cohort in February 2025 must have all requirements completed by December 2024, causing a "gap" during the Spring 2025 semester. Plan accordingly when applying.

Applicant Types

Fresno State offers admissions into the traditional BSN program for continuing, transfer, 2nd Bachelor, and returning students. Eligibility for Fall and/or Spring BSN application cycles will differ based on current status. Please consult the headings below to see application information and procedures based on your current status:

Note: Students who have already earned an associate degree in nursing should view information for the RN-BSN program. 

Pre-Health Applicants

Current Fresno State students planning to apply for the BSN program must:

  • Be a declared Pre-Health major
  • Be accepted into the nursing track

Students that do not meet these requirements will be considered ineligible for the BSN application cycle and must re-apply as a Second Bachelor or RN-BSN student after completing a bachelors degree or ADN program. 

Students interested should apply to Fresno State as a "Pre-Health" major when submitting their university application and stay in the major until being admitted to the BSN program.

Pre-Health Program Overview:

The College of Health and Human Services Pre-Health Program supports first-time freshmen exploring careers in health and human services through academic advising and two specially designed career exploration courses. Students will begin as "Pre-Health" and take HHS 18A and HHS 18B during their first academic year. During the third semester students interested in nursing will apply to for the Pre-Health nursing track and upon acceptance will be eligible to apply for the BSN program when all pre-requisites are completed. 

Pre-Health students are evaluated each semester and must maintain program eligibility (3.0 Pre-Requisite/Cumulative GPA) through their entire time as a Pre-Health students. Students who fall below a 3.0 GPA will need to pick an alternate major or be moved to undeclared. ACDC counselors can assist with the process of continuing towards nursing or another career.

Once an applicant has completed all course requirements, has a pre-requisites and cumulative GPA above a 3.0, and has passed the TEAS with a 75% they are eligible to apply for both the Fall and Spring BSN application cycles. Admitted students will have their major changed from Pre-Health to Nursing and may register for nursing courses during their normal registration period.

See the Pre-Health program page for more information:

Pre-Health Program Information

Application Requirements

Continuing, Pre-Health students are eligible to apply for both the Fall and Spring cycle. Fresno State students only need to complete the supplemental application through NursingCAS. See the "Applying to the BSN program" heading below for more information on submitting an application through NursingCAS.

Continuing students do not need to apply again through CalStateApply.


Change of Major Policy

Fresno State’s BSN program is an impacted major, meaning there is no direct major change option into Nursing. Instead, students must follow the Pre-Health pathway and apply for admission into the BSN program after meeting all requirements.

Students who do not enter the University as a Pre-Health major are eligible to change their major to Pre-Health during their first academic year. Change of majors past the first year are based on program availability and are approved at the discretion of ACDC counselors. Students who transfer in or are in junior/senior standing are generally not eligible to change their major into Pre-Health. Please schedule a meeting with an ACDC counselor to discuss a change of major, or discuss alternative options for nursing if past the eligible period. 

For incoming students that have not attended their Dog Days: New Student Orientation please contact the Office of New Student and Family Programs regarding a date where Pre-Health advising is available.

Transfer Applicants

Students who are not currently attending Fresno State and have attended or are currently attending a California Community College or four-year Public or Private institution are considered transfer applicants. Transfer applicants may only apply for the Fresno State BSN program during Fall admission cycles (February 1st-28th). Applicants must have completed all pre-requisite courses, have a 3.0 pre-requisite and cumulative GPA, and received a 75% or higher on the TEAS to be eligible.

Transfer applicants must also meet all requirements for admission to Fresno State in addition to meeting the requirements for the Fresno State BSN program. Students who are not eligible for admission to Fresno State will be denied admission to the BSN program. For more information on University transfer requirements please consult the Admissions and Recruitment website:

Transfer Information

Note: Students who have already received a bachelor degree from an accredited institution should see the" Second Bachelor Applicants" section below.

Application Requirements

Transfer applicants are only eligible to apply for the Fresno State BSN program during fall admissions cycles. Applications receiveved during the Spring cycle will be automatically denied.

Transfer applicants must complete two applications regarding admission to the BSN program:

  1. University Application
    • Submitted through CalStateApply
    • Priority Filing period: October 1st - November 30th

  2. BSN Supplemental Application
    • Submitted through NursingCAS
      Filing period: February 1st - February 28th at 8:59 PM, pst.

CSU Application Dates

See the "Applying to the BSN program" heading below for more information on submitting an application through NursingCAS.


Additional Transfer Policies

Major Selection:

  • Transfer students must directly apply to Fresno State's BSN Program as a Nursing Major.
  • Change of majors are not allowed into nursing; students may not apply into an alternative major and plan to change their major and later apply for the program as the change of major will be denied.
  • Pre-Nursing is discontinued as of Fall 2019 and students will need to directly apply to the program

Non-Admitted Students:

  • Eligible applicants who are not admitted to nursing will be admitted to their secondary choice of major; students may accept admissions as this major or withdraw from admission at Fresno State.
  • If a students starts in their secondary major they must graduate with that major and reapply as a second bachelors applicant to be eligible to apply to the nursing program
  • Once a students starts at the university they will not be allowed to apply to the Nursing Program, except after completion of a bachelors degree.


Pre-Application Evaluations

Potential transfer applicants may submit questions or transcripts to Students submitting transcripts will receive verification of completed and remaining pre-requisites. Please note: due to the volume of inquiries pre-evaluations are not available during each fall/spring admission cycle.

Second Bachelor Applicants

Students who have received a bachelors degree (or higher) from an accredited four-year insitution are considered are considered "2nd Bachelor" applications. 2nd Bachelor applicants may apply for the Fresno State BSN program during both the Fall and Spring admission cycles. Applicants must have completed all pre-requisite courses, have a 3.0 pre-requisite and cumulative GPA, and received a 75% or higher on the TEAS to be eligible.

2nd Bachelors students need only complete Statistics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology Part 1 and 2 or the Seperate Anatomy and Physiology courses. Credit will be given for English, Critical Thinking and Speech based on completion of their first Bachelors Degree. 

2nd Bachelor applicants must also meet all requirements for admission to Fresno State in addition to meeting the requirements for the Fresno State BSN program. Students who are not eligible for admission to Fresno State will be denied admission to the BSN program. For more information on University transfer requirements please consult the Admissions and Recruitment website:

Transfer Information

Application Requirements 

2nd Bachelor applicants may apply for the Fresno State BSN program during the Fall and Spring admissions cycles. To be considered a 2nd Bachelor applicant a degree must be completed and conferred by the time of applying to be eligible. For example, a student completing a degree in May 2025 would not be eligible to apply in February 2025 for the Fall 2025 application cycle. 

2nd Bachelor applicants must complete two applications regarding admission to the BSN program:

  1. University Application
    • Submitted through CalStateApply
    • 2nd Bachelor students should apply as a graduate student
    • Priority Filing Periods:
      • Fall: October 1st - February 28th
      • Spring: August 1st - August 31st
  2. BSN Supplemental Application
    • Submitted through NursingCAS
      Filing periods:
      • Fall: February 1st - February 28th at 8:59 PM, pst.
      • Spring: July 1st - July 31st at 8:59 PM, pst.

CSU Application Dates

See the "Applying to the BSN program" heading below for more information on submitting an application through NursingCAS.


Additional 2nd Bachelor Policies

Admissions Policies

  • Second bachelors students must have a completed and conferred degree in order to be eligible to apply.If a degree is not conferred a student is inelgible to apply as a second bachelors student. 
  • Second bachelors students must apply to the nursing secondary application through as well as Cal State Apply as a Graduate Student. Missing one of these application could result in ineligiblity to be considered. 
  • If a second bachelors student is not admitted to the program they are also not admitted to the University. 
  • Second bachelor applicants do not receive additional priority in during either application cycle. 

Course Completion

  • Second Bachelors students need only complete Statistics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology Part 1 and 2 or the Seperate Anatomy and Physiology courses. Credit will be given for English, Critical Thinking and Speech based on completion of their first Bachelors Degree. 
  • Second Bachelor applicants are not required to complete general education courses once admitted
  • Second Bachelor applicants must still complete additional nursing program requirements (e.g. NUTR 53)

Pre-Application Evaluations

Potential 2nd Bachelor applicants may submit questions or transcripts to Students submitting transcripts will receive verification of completed and remaining pre-requisites. Please note: due to the volume of inquiries pre-evaluations are not available during each fall/spring admission cycle.

Returning Applicants

Students who have previous attended Fresno State and plan to return are considered Returning applicants. Returning applicants may apply for the Fresno State BSN program during both the Fall and Spring admission cycles. Applicants must have completed all pre-requisite courses, have a 3.0 pre-requisite and cumulative GPA, and received a 75% or higher on the TEAS to be eligible.

Returning applicants must also meet all requirements for admission to Fresno State in addition to meeting the requirements for the Fresno State BSN program. Students who are not eligible for admission to Fresno State will be denied admission to the BSN program. We highly recommend students contact Admissions and Recruitment regarding readmission to Fresno State:

Returning Students

Application Requirements 

Returning applicants may apply for the Fresno State BSN program during the Fall and Spring admissions cycles. 2nd Bachelor applicants must complete two applications regarding admission to the BSN program:

  1. University Application
    • Submitted through CalStateApply
    • Students should consult Admissions regarding the application
    • Priority Filing Periods:
      • Fall: October 1st - February 28th
      • Spring: August 1st - August 31st
  2. BSN Supplemental Application
    • Submitted through NursingCAS
      Filing periods:
      • Fall: February 1st - February 28th at 8:59 PM, pst.
      • Spring: July 1st - July 31st at 8:59 PM, pst.

 For additional information please contact Admissions and Recruitment at 559.278.2261.


Applying to the BSN Program

All applicants to the Fresno State BSN program must complete a supplemental application through NursingCAS. Applications will only be available during the Fall and Spring application cycles each year. Late applications are not accepted.

Students may access the BSN application by creating a NursingCAS account and searching for the "California State University Fresno Bachelor of Nursing Fall/Spring ####" application. For issues completing your NursingCAS application, please contact NursingCAS directly.


Nursing Application Checklist:

Prior to completing the NursingCAS application, applicants should ensure they have completed the following:

Step 1: Complete All Nursing Prerequisites

  • To be eligible, applicants must complete the 8 prerequisite courses with a minimum 3.0 GPA in both Prerequisite GPA and Cumulative GPA
  • Applicants may not have failed more than one pre-requisite course within the last ten years

Step 2: Meet the TEAS Requirement

  • Take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
  • Earn a minimum score of 75% within two attempts

Step 3: Apply to Fresno State (if not already a student)

  • Submit a separate Cal State Apply application if you are a transfer, returning, or 2nd Bachelor student.

Step 4: Submit the Supplemental NursingCAS Application

Complete the application by accessing NursingCAS below. For an application to be considered complete, the following must be included:

  1. A completed application through NursingCAS
  2. Uploaded Unofficial or Official PDF transcripts for each campus attended in the "Transcript Entry" section (must be legible and accessible; do not send offiical transcripts to NursingCAS as these are not received in time for evaluation)
  3. A TEAS Individual Performance Profile clearly showing TEAS score and attempts

Consult the guide section below for assistance with completing the NursingCAS application.


Step 5: Watch for an Admission Decision from ACDC

Applicants typically will receive a decision 1-2 months after the closure of the application cycle. Applicants will receive updates through the email associated with their NursingCAS account, so be sure to utilize an email you check regularly. 


BSN Application Guides:

1) NursingCAS Step-by-Step Guide:

Reviews the process of completing the NursingCAS application for the Fresno State BSN program.

Please note: applicants may now use the same course for multiple pre-requisites.

2) Accessing the TEAS Individual Performance Profile:

Reviews how to find and download the Individual Performance Profile page from ATI following completion of the TEAS.

3) Applying to Fresno State (Transfer Applicants):

NursingCAS 2025-2026 BSN Application - Virtual Workshop:

Watch for a complete overview of the Fall 2025/Spring 2026 BSN application for Fresno State, what parts to complete and common errors:

Additional Policies and Procedures

Refer to the following headings for more information:

 The Fresno State School of Nursing admits students who meet the basic eligiblity requirements for admission based on the following criteria, in decending order of priority:

  1. Pre-Requisite GPA
  2. Cumulative GPA
  3. TEAS Score

Other factors are not considered for admission and do not need to be submitted on the NursingCAS application. Please contact ACDC for more information on admission criteria and historical GPA for admission.

Due to COVID-19 and the changes to instruction and grading at Fresno State for the Spring 2020 semester the School of Nursing has made the following decisions in relation to Nursing admissions policies. 

  1. Credit/No Credit (Pass/Fail) grading will be allowed for all Pre-Requisite courses taken during the Spring 2020, Summer 2020, and Fall 2020 semesters ONLY.
  2. Failed coursework during the SPRING 2020 semester will not be considered for the repeated pre-requisite total.
  3. Beginning again in Spring 2021 and forward, all Pre-Requisite courses must be letter grades and CR/NC will not be accepted. 
  4. Beginning Spring 2020, science classes (Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology 1&2) will be accepted in Online, Hybrid and In Person formats

Review Status:

The Nursing Program gives priority admission review to the following groups:

  • Current Fresno State Pre-Health students
  • Local Admission Area Transfer applicants with majority of units from a community college in our local area
  • Current Military or Veterans with honorable discharge (Please submit DD214 with application)

Applicants from these groups do not receive priority review status:

  • Transfer applicants that did not earn a majority of units from community colleges within the local service area

Priority Status:

The Fresno State BSN program provides priority admission to the following groups:

  • Current Military or Veterans with an Honorable Discharge
  • Fresno State Air Force or Army ROTC students
  • Local Admission Area Continuing or Transfer applicants (majority of units must be completed at a local area campus)

Local Admission Area

Adding a Second Major

  • Students who wish to declare a second major must submit a plan approved by the department offering the second major which demonstrates that the new major can be completed within 144 units. Students may not add a second major after completing the requirement for their first major unless students have not exceeded 120 earned units at the time of declaration.

Changing a Major

  • Student requests to change a major must be approved by the department of the new major/option indicating that the student has been advised. If the student has 90 or more earned units, the request to the new department must be accompanied by a plan demonstrating that the new major can be completed within 144 units. If you are exceeding 144 units, the plan and request to change major or minor must be reviewed by Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Subject to approval. 

Please contact ACDC for more information on adding a minor or a double major as a nursing student.

Nursing Admission FAQs

Prospective Nursing FAQs

Still Have Questions?

For questions regarding the Nursing application, please contact the Nursing Admissions Office / CHHS Advising and Career Development Center at 559.278.5027 or via email at

For information about the RN-BSN program, visit the RN-BSN page

For information about the MSN program, visit the MSN page.