College of Health and Human Services

Brooke Findley
Associate Professor
Communicative Sciences and Deaf Studies | 559.278.0351 | Office: PHS 232
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), P-12 Educational Leadership Option
California State University, Fresno
Master of Arts (M.A.) in Education, Educational Leadership and Administration Option:
P-12 Pathway
California State University, Fresno
Certificate of Completion, Interdisciplinary Applied Behavior Analysis Program
California State University, Fresno
Master of Arts (M.A.) in Communicative Disorders and Deaf Studies, Option: Speech-Language
California State University, Fresno
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Communicative Disorders and Deaf Studies, Option: Speech-Language
California State University, Fresno
Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Liberal Arts, Communication Studies Emphasis
College of the Sequoias
Courses Taught
- CSDS 101: Phonetics of American English (DISCOVERe Course)
- CSDS 105: Speech Sound Disorders in Children
- CSDS 117: Behavioral Principles of Assessing and Treating Communicative Disorders
- CSDS 188T: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Practice Guidelines
- CSDS 188T: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Fieldwork
- CSDS 200: Graduate Studies and Research Methods in Communicative Disorders
- CSDS 204: Seminar in Stuttering
- CSDS 214: Seminar in Child Language Disorders
- CSDS 218: Autism Spectrum Disorders and Augmentative or Alternative Communication
- CSDS 230: Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
- CSDS 257: Student Teaching- Speech Language Pathology
- CSDS 299: Thesis