College of Health and Human Services
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- Greg Thatcher

Greg Thatcher
Associate Professor
Public Health | 559.278.8807
- Ph.D., Health Promotion and Behavior (1999)
University of Southern Carolina
- M.S.P.H., Health Promotion and Behavior (1997)
University of South Carolina
- B.A.,Sociology | Minors: Psychology & Health Education (1994)
Bowling Green State University
Courses Taught
- PH 90 Contemporary Health Issues
- PH 91 Human Sexuality
- PH 114 Health Behavior
- PH 131 Principles of Health Education
- PH 152T Health and Stress Management
Director, Youth Program Support Services, Inc.
Visiting Professor, Texas Christian University Department of Kinesiology
Assistant Professor, University of West Florida Department of Health, Leisure and
Exercise Science
Director, Florida Department of Education
Title IV: Safe and Drug Free Schools
Assistant Professor, California State University, Fresno
Department of Public Health
Creative Activities, Grants and Contracts Awarded
(Principal Investigator, unless otherwise noted)
- $24,000, University of South Carolina, School of Public Health, Department of Health
Promotion and Education, "Youth Risk Behavior Survey: South Carolina High School Students,
1995," U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent & School
Health, Atlanta, Georgia, Cooperative Agreement #U87/CCU 409018 -03, August 1994 -
June 1995.
Principal Investigator: Robert F. Valois, PhD, MPH
Research Associate: W. Gregory Thatcher, MSPH, PhD
- $10,000, University of South Carolina, School of Public Health, Department of Health Promotion and Education, "Surveillance of Youth Risk Behaviors in South Carolina Private High Schools," U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent & School Health, Atlanta, Georgia, Cooperative Agreement #U87/CCU 409018 -03, September 1995 - February 1996.
- $19,000, University of South Carolina, School of Public Health, Department of Health
Promotion and Education, "Youth Risk Behavior Survey: South Carolina High School Students,
1997," U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent & School
Health, Atlanta, Georgia, Cooperative Agreement #U87/CCU 409018 -05, August 1996 -
June 1997.
Principal Investigator: Robert F. Valois, PhD, MPH
Co-Investigator: W. Gregory Thatcher, MSPH, PhD
- $13,755, University of South Carolina, School of Public Health, Department of Health
Promotion and Education, "Youth Risk Behavior Survey: South Carolina High School Students,
1999," U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent & School
Health, Atlanta, Georgia, Cooperative Agreement #U87/CCU 409018 -07, August 1998 -
June 1999.
Principal Investigator: Roger Sargent, PhD
Project Consultant: W. Gregory Thatcher, MSPH, PhD
- $27,000, South Carolina Alliance for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, "Youth Risk Behavior Survey Service Unit, Spring 1999," South Carolina Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities, Columbia, SC, January - June, 1999.
- $30,150, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "U.S. Annual Report for the South Carolina Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Program," South Carolina Department of Education, Office of Safe Schools and Youth Services, Columbia, SC, 3-Year contract @ 10,050/year, August, 1999 - August 2001.
- $22,500, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "Youth Risk Behavior Survey Service Unit, Fall 1999," Columbia, SC, August, 1999.
- $12,000, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "Youth Risk Behavior Survey Service Unit, Spring 2000," Columbia, SC, February, 2000.
- $7,000, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "U.S. Annual Report for South Carolina Safe and Drug Free Schools," South Carolina Department of Education, Office of Safe Schools and Youth Services, Columbia, SC, October, 2002.
- $14,730, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Escambia County Second Step Violence Prevention Program," Escambia County Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Program, Pensacola, FL, October, 2002.
- $5,980, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "Health-Risk Assessment of Escambia County's Middle Schools," Escambia County Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Program, Pensacola, Fl, January, 2003.
- $18,755, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Escambia County Second Step Violence Prevention Program (Year 2)," Escambia County Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Program, Pensacola, FL, October, 2003.
- $79,595, Youth Program Support Services, Inc., "1999-2006 Teen Institute Program Evaluation,"
South Carolina Teen Institute, Florence, SC, May, 2000.
Professional Membership: - American School Health Association (ASHA)
- American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD)
- American Association for Health Education (AAHE)
- Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
Drane, J.W. & Thatcher, W.G. (2004) "A Test-Retest Transition Matrix: A Modification of McNemar's Test." Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. Vol. 3(1): 213-214 .
Thatcher, W.G. & Drane, J.W. (2003) "On Treating a Convenience Sample as Simple Random." Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. Vol. 2(2): 478-480.
Thatcher, W.G. & Rhea, D. (2003) "Influences on Body Image and Disordered Eating Among Secondary School Students." American Journal of Health Education. Vol. 34(6): 343-350.
Thatcher, W.G., Reininger, B.M., and Drane, J.W. (2002). A Path Analytic Approach to Associations among Adolescent Attempted Suicide, Life Satisfaction, and Health Risk Behaviors. Journal of School Health. Vol. 72(2):71-77.
Pearman, S.N., Thatcher, W.G., Valois, R.F., and Drane, J.W. (2001). Physical Activity Behaviors of Adolescents in Public and Private High Schools. American Journal of Health Behavior. Vol. 25(1): 42-49.
Pearman, S.N., Thatcher, W.G., Valois, R.F., and Drane, J.W. (2000). Nutrition and weight management behaviors: Public and Private High School Adolescents. American Journal of Health Behavior. Vol. 24(3): 220-228.
Thatcher, William G. & Kammermann, Sandra K. (1997) "What To Do After You Have Been Raped." In, R. Valois & S. Kammermann, Your Sexuality: A Self-Assessment Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, NY. pp. 390-393.
Valois, R.F., Thatcher, W.G., Drane, J.W., and Reininger, B.M. (1997) Comparison of
Selected Health Risk Behaviors Between Adolescents in Public and Private High Schools
in South Carolina. Journal of School Health. Vol. 64(10):434-440.
Rhea, D. & Thatcher, W.G. “Ethnicity, Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem and At-Risk Eating Disordered Behavior Differences of Urban Adolescent Females.” Submitted for review to the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, May 25, 2010.
Thatcher, W.G. & Chandler, S.B. “Heterosexual Attitudes Toward Homosexuality A Multicultural
Examination. Submitted for review to the Journal of American College Health, July 1, 2010.
In Progress:
Thatcher, W.G., Reininger, B., and Drane, J.W. “Is School-Based Education or parent-child Communication About HIV/AIDS Effective at Either Delaying Onset of Sexual Intercourse or Increasing Condom Use?”
Thatcher, W.G. Effectiveness of a One-time Sexual Assault Prevention Program: Comparing
Taped Versus Live Theatrical Performances.
Conference Presentations: National, State and Regional
Zografos, K. & Thatcher, W.G. "Protective alcohol-use behavior utilization among a sample of college students." Poster to be presented at the 138th APHA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November, 2010.
Thatcher, W.G., Zografos, K., & Chandler, S.B. “Is Sexuality Education Delaying Onset of Sexual Intercourse or Increasing Condom Use for Middle School Students?” Poster presented at the 2010 American Academy of Health Behavior’s National Conference, Clearwater, FL, February, 2010.
Chandler, S.B. & Thatcher, W.G. "Heterosexual Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among African American College Students." Poster presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 2009 National Convention, Tampa, FL, April, 2009.
Chandler, S.B. & Thatcher, W.G. "Heterosexual Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: A Multicultural Examination." Poster presented at the
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November, 2008.
Thatcher, W.G. & Rhea, D. "Ethnic and Gender Differences of Body Image and Disordered Eating Among Secondary School Students." Poster presented at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 21st Annual National Conference on Health Education, San Diego, CA, May, 2003.
Penhollow, T.M. & Thatcher, W.G. "Comparison of Selected Health-Risk Behaviors between Students in Public and Private High Schools in Northwest Florida." Poster to be presented at the American Academy of Health Behavior's National Conference, St. Augustine, FL, March, 2003.
Thatcher, W.G. "Is HIV/AIDS Education Delaying Onset of Sexual Activity or Increasing Condom Use among Middle School Students." Poster presented at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 20th Annual National Conference on Health Education, New Orleans, LA, June, 2002.
Pearman, S.N. & Thatcher, W.G. "Comparison of Physical Activity Patterns Between Adolescents in Public and Private High Schools." Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C., November, 1998.
Thatcher, W.G. & Valois, R.F. "Binge Drinking and Associated Health Risk Behaviors among Private High School Adolescents." Poster presented at the Annual National Meeting of the American School Health Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado, October, 1998.
Thatcher, W.G. & Valois, R.F. "Comparison of HIV/AIDS Education and Perception of Risk between Adolescents in Public and Private High Schools." Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting of the American School Health Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado, October, 1998.
Thatcher, W.G. "Health Risk Behaviors among Private High School Students." Report presented at the Annual Parent Organization Meeting of the South Carolina Private High School's, Forest Acres, South Carolina, October, 1998.
Valois, R.F. & Thatcher, W.G. "Measuring Program Effectiveness." Workshop presented at the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Annual Conference, Columbia, South Carolina, September, 1998.
Thatcher, W.G. "Comparison of Selected Health Risk Behaviors between Adolescents in Public and Private High Schools in South Carolina." Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting of the American School Health Association, Daytona, Florida, October, 1997.
Thatcher, W.G. "Alcohol Awareness at the High School Level." Presented at Bowling Green High School, Bowling Green, Ohio, October 26, 1994.
Thatcher, W.G. "For Men Only: A Date Rape Prevention Program." Presented at The Inter Fraternal Greek Counsel Annual Meeting, Bowling Green, Ohio, February 8, 1994.
Thatcher, W.G. & Buchler, J. "He Said...She Said: A Program About Acquaintance Rape." Program presented at Regional Peer Education Conference, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, April 3, 1993.