College of Health and Human Services

Chayeng Xiong
Social Work | 559.278.6846 | Office: PHS 128B
- Master of Social Work, 1996, Concentrations in Child Welfare Practice (Title IV-E Child Welfare Student), California State University, Fresno, Fresno, CA
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, 1994, California State Univesity, Fresno, Fresno, CA
- Associate of Arts Degree, 1991, Fresno City College, Fresno, CA
Courses Taught
- SWRK 20 Introduction to Social Work
- SWRK 128 Child Weflare
- SWRK 136 Cultural Diversity and Oppression
- SWRK 137 Principles in Cross-Cultural Competence
- HS 20 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare
- HMONG 100 Intermediate Reading and Composition
- HMONG 101 Advanced Reading and Composition