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Department of Kinesiology

Jenelle Gilbert

Dr. Jenelle N. Gilbert, CC-AASP; Graduate Program Coordinator

Educational Background:

Ph.D., University of Ottawa
B.P.E., M.A., B.Ed., University of Ottawa
(Sport Psychology, Pedagogy)

Recent Presentation - Fresno State Talk

Recent Publications:

Gilbert, J. N. (in press). Sport psychology teaching approaches for high school coaches and their student-athletes. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

Robbins, J. E., Gilbert, J. N., & Clifton, A. M. (2015). Coaching stressors in a Division II historically black university. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 8, 183-205.  

Gilbert, J. N., Lyon, H., & Wahl, M. (2015). Coping with the stress of athletic injury: How coaches can help. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 28, 33-39.

Glynn, B. A., Gilbert, J. N., Lewis, D. K. (2013). Psychological skills training and self-efficacy: The UNIFORM approach with college-age swim exercisers. Athletic Insight, 5, 93-111.

Gilbert, J. N., & Lewis, D. K. (2013). Sport psychology with high school student-athletes: UNIFORM and the Game Plan Format. Journal of Performance Psychology, 6, 1-30.

Richter, J., Gilbert, J. N., & Baldis, M. (2012). Maximizing strength training performance using mental imagery. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 34(5), 65-69.

Horn, C. M., Gilbert, J. N., Gilbert, W. D., & Lewis, D. K. (2011). Psychological skills training with community college athletes: The UNIFORM approach. The Sport Psychologist, 25, 321-340.

Gilbert, J. N. (2011). Teaching sport psychology to high school student-athletes: The Psychological UNIFORM and the Game Plan Format. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 2, 1-9.

Recent Conference Presentations:

Thornton, C. M., Greer, F., Gilbert, J. N., & Duncan, L. (2014, May). Using imagery to increase and maintain self-efficacy during a weight-loss intervention. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity held in San Diego, CA.

Gilbert, J. N. (2014, April). Stress, coping, and other sport psychology in K-12 athletics. In symposium on Research in K-12 education and athletics: Past, present, and possibility (Brown, A., Sieben, N., DeMeulenaere, E., Valovich McLeod, T., Gilbert, J. N., Cann, C., & Gilbert, W.). American Educational Researchers’ Association (AERA) annual conference held in Philadelphia, PA.

Robbins, J., Gilbert, J. N., & Clifton, A. (2013, October). Coaching stressors in a Division II historically Black university. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology held in New Orleans, LA.

Gilbert, J. N. (2013, July). The Psychological UNIFORM: Teaching the mental game to adolescent athletes. Paper presented at the annual International Conference on Sports Training: Youth Training held in Porto, Portugal.

Graduate Classes Taught:

KINES 262 – Social Implications of Sport
KINES 263 – Psychology of Sport: Mental Training for Performance Enhancement

Current Project(s):

Mental skills training intervention: The Psychological UNIFORM
Coaching stressors and coping in Division II Coaches

Professional Organizations:

American Psychological Association (APA)
Association for Applied Sport psychology (AASP)
Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE)
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)
National Association for Girls and Women in Sport (NAGWS)
California Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD)


Keeping up with the kids and relearning how to play the piano
Coaching youth soccer

Quotes I live by:

"Growth involves the temporary surrender of security."
- A professor in grad school
"Work hard NOW, procrastinate later."
- J. Gilbert (this is what got me through grad school)

Athletes I Admire:

Terry Fox – He vowed to run across Canada (i.e., the Marathon of Hope – 26+ miles each day) to raise awareness and money for cancer research. He ran with one healthy leg and one prosthetic leg, because he had already lost it to cancer. He didn’t finish his trek because cancer spread to his lungs. He died at the age of 22.

Steve Nash – He was an underdog in the NBA due to his size, but had amazing skills and character which has earned him respect amongst players, coaches and fans.

Favorite Sports to Watch:

NHL Hockey (of course!), Beach volleyball, Olympic Games (Summer and Winter), Fresno State Teams

Favorite Form of Recreation or Exercise:

Family walks, and playing with my kids

Contact Information:

Phone: (559) 278-8902
Office: South Gym 117