Jackson, C.G.R., Ed., (2001). Nutrition and the Strength Athlete. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL.
Jackson, C.G.R., Ed., (1995). Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL.
Recent Book Chapters (3 of 12):
Simonson, S. R. and Jackson, C.G.R. “Endurance training,” In J. Driskell (Ed.),
Nutrition and Exercise Concerns of Middle Age, 2009, 317-352.
Jackson, C.G.R. “Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate,” In J. Driskell (Ed.), Sports
Nutrition: Fats and Proteins, 2007, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 187-200.
Jackson, C.G.R. “Nutritional concerns of female recreational athletes,” In D. Klimis-Zacas
& I. Wolinsky (Eds.), Nutritional Concerns of Women, 2nd Ed., 2004, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, 397-417.
Strauch, S., Jackson, C.G.R., FACSM, Thompson, M.J., Moore, S., and Coles, M.C. “Comparing
fall risk of older adults in a community-based fitness program to non-participants.”
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2014, 46(5),S,
Fornal. J.R., Jackson, C.G.R., Anderson, T.R., and Greer, F.A. “Effects of chocolate
milk and a whey protein drink on muscle damage and performance.” Medicine and Science
in Sports and Exercise, 2012, 44(5), S299.
Quesada, A.S., Jackson, C.G.R., FACSM, Greer, F.A.,and Anderson, T.R. “Effects of
L-arginine supplementation on upper body muscular strength in male recreational body
builders.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2011, 43(5), S406.
Simonson, S.R., and Jackson, C.G.R. “Leukocytosis occurs in response to resistance
exercise in men.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2004, 18(2):266-271.
NASA Research-Selected:
Chou, J.L., Leftheriotis, G.P.N., Stad, N.J., Arndt, N.F., Jackson, C.G.R., Simonson,
S., Barnes, P.R., and Greenleaf, J.E.“Human physiological responses to cycle ergometer
leg exercise during +Gz acceleration.”NASA Technical Memorandum, 112237,September
Chou, J.L., McKenzie, M.A., Stad, N.J., Barnes, P.R., Jackson, C.G.R., Ghiasvand,
F., and Greenleaf, J.E. “Acceleration Tolerance: Effect of Exercise, Acceleration
Training; Bed Rest and Weightlessness Deconditioning, A compendium of Research (1950-1996)”
NASA Technical Memorandum 112214. October 1997.
Tipton, C.M., Greenleaf, J.E., and Jackson, C.G.R. "Neuroendocrine and immune system
responses with spaceflights." Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1996, 28(8):988-998.