Central California Institute for Healthy Aging
San Joaquin Valley Statistics - Our Elderly Population
The following files contain regional data based on the elderly population.
The files are in PDF format.
- English Proficiency, 2000
- Ethnicity, 2000
- Health Conditions, 2001
- Elderly population living alone, 2000
- Male/Female Ratio, 1990 - 2000
- Medi-Cal Enrollees, 2003
- Elderly population by Age, 1990 - 2000
- Elderly population, Growth rates, 1990 - 2000
- Poverty level by ethinicity, 2000
- Poverty level, 2001
- Services and Facilities available, 2002
- Elderly population receiving SSI or Social Security Disability, 2001
- Elderly population that require special equipment due to a health problem, 2001
Administration on Aging ( AoA)
AoA is the Federal focal point and advocate agency for older persons and their concerns. In this role, AoA works to heighten awareness among other Federal agencies, organizations, groups, and the public about the valuable contributions that older Americans make to the Nation and alerts them to the needs of vulnerable older people. Go to the AoA Website...
National Institute on Aging ( NIA)
The NIA leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. In 1974, Congress granted authority to form NIA to provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. Subsequent amendments to this legislation designated the NIA as the primary Federal agency on Alzheimer's disease research. Go to the NIA Website...