Department of Kinesiology
In addition to our affordable tuition, Fresno State offers a number of awards. Below is a summary of our current awards:
President’s Graduate Scholars Scholarships
A merit-based scholarship that students with a 3.5 GPA can apply for with recommendation
from the Graduate Coordinator/Facilitator. First year students can apply if the GPA as an undergraduate
meets the requirement. Students must log on to the Scholarships website in order to apply.
Value: $3,500
Deadline: Fall
California Graduate Equity Fellowship Program
Program seeks to increase the diversity of students completing graduate degree programs
in the CSU.
Value: Grants up to $4,500
Deadline: Spring
Graduate Student Research and Creative Activities Support Award
It supports the quality scholarship of graduate/doctoral student research and creative
activities associated with the thesis/dissertation or project requirement.
Value: up to $1,000 Deadlines: Fall and Spring
Robert and Norma Craig Graduate Fellowships
A research-based scholarship where students are mentored in research by faculty. The non-compensated research
must be separate from the student's own research (i.e., their project or thesis).
Applicants must be in good academic standing to apply and must apply by logging in
to the Scholarship website.
Value: up to $1,000 Deadline: Fall
California Pre-Doctoral Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Scholars and their faculty mentors are awarded $3,000 to travel to doctoral institutions
and national conferences to enhance their entrance into doctoral study.
Value: $3,000 Deadline: Spring
Graduate Student Travel Grant
Travel grants are for graduate students who have had papers and/or posters accepted
for presentation at major professional conferences or society meetings. Students may
apply through the Division of Research and Graduate Studies and the Graduate Net Initiative.
Deadline: Ongoing. For the Division of Research and Graduate Studies grant, all materials
must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the conference. For the Graduate Net Initiative
grant, complete application packages should be submitted at least 60 days prior to
conference/travel date
Jazmyn Breeze Gilbert Memorial Award
This award is presented annually to one graduate and one undergraduate student pursuing
careers in sport psychology. Each award includes (a) 1-year membership in the Association
for Applied Sport Psychology, (b) 1-year subscription to The Sport Psychologist or
The Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, and (c) one conference registration
for a national or regional sport psychology conference.
Value: up to $300 (each) Deadline: To be announced