The Silent Garden
The Silent Garden
Plant Your Seed Now
An endowment, funded by a planned gift from Robert Duncan Nicol, supporting a visiting
scholar/professor bringing the best and the brightest professionals to our region
to share, learn, inspire and grow in our community.
An endowment in honor of Dr. Morris M. and Esther B. Slotnick, funded by an planned
gift from Joseph S. Slotnick, providing funding for a rotating faculty position in
the Department of Communicative Sciences and Deaf Studies to focus their work and
harness their passion with the Deaf and hard of hearing community.
An endowment to provide continued internal and external support for workshops, conferences,
symposiums and other outreach/educational opportunities for alumni, friends, practitioners,
educators and family members planting the seeds for continues growth. Endowment funded
initially by the Lawrence W. Levine Foundation, Inc. with seed money in the amount
of $25,000. Plans are to grow this endowment to $1,000,000 (a gift to complete the
endowment would entitle the donor naming rights for this unique fund).
The Department of Communicative Sciences and Deaf Studies and the College of Health
and Human Services recognize and celebrate the commitment of an anonymous donor to
plant “Scarlett’s Park” in The Silent Garden, for the support, education and development
of services for Deaf and hard of hearing children and youth with special needs.
A new and exciting endowment opportunity providing scholarships and financial support
to the next generation of sign language interpreters to insure a sustained abundant
harvest in The Silent Garden. Commitment of $500,000 required to name entire scholarship
fund or minimum of $25,000 to endow individual Silent Garden scholarships within the
What path will you choose? For more information or to be a part of this ambitious vision, contact Beth Wilkinson at 559.278.5276 or