The Silent Garden
Scarlett's Park
Past Conferences
Pictured: Conference Chair, Andrea DaSilva Perez; Founder of The Silent Garden, Paul Ogden; Distinguished Scarlett’s Park Lecturer, Heather Lightfoot Withrow
Inaugural Scarlett’s Park Conference Focusing on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children with Special Needs
Conference Details
Date: September 14 and 15, 2018
Keynote Speaker:
Heather Lightfoot Withrow
"Lessons from a Family Looking for Their Groove When Everyone is Unique"
- Parents’ Panel: Jeanne Glad, Evelyn Pena, Mary Slotnick, George Walker
- Deaf Plus Panel: Five Deaf Adults Share their life experiences
Workshop Presenters and Workshop Titles:
- Barbara Blakeslee - Transitions
- Kimberly Coy - Universal Design for Learning
- Rachel Narr - Educational Choices
- Nancy Eddy - Deaf Plus Adults
- Natasha Kordus - Does this Diagnosis Matter?
- Evelyn Peña - Qualities of Raising a Deaf Child w/ Unique Abilities in a Latino Household
- Nancy Eddy - An Adoptive Mother's Journey
- Sean Virnig - Education Policy Pathways for Deaf Plus Children
The Second Annual Scarlett's Park Conference focusing on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children with Autism
Conference Details:
Date: September 27 & 28, 2019
Keynote Presentations:
Christen A. Szymanski
"Won't you be my neighbor? How Mister Rogers' Neighborhood can give us the answers
we need to support children who are Deaf and have Autism"
Rosangela Jaech
"Be Their Advocate: Amplifying the Needs of Your DHH Child with ASD"
Amy Szarkowski
"Red Flags: The Presentation of ASD in Children who are DHH & Considerations for Support
and Intervention"
Jeffery S. Bravin
"Opening the Door that Got Stuck: Exploring Pathways of Communication for Children
on the Autism Spectrum"
Holly Miller
"Understanding the DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism and Best Practice Assessment
Karen Wilson
"Evidence-based Treatment for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
Conference Details:
Date: September 24 & 25, 2021
Speakers and presentations:
Stephanie W. Cawthon
"Deaf students with learning disabilities: Considering root causes in the design of
supportive learning environments"
Peter C. Hauser
"Deaf Neurodiversity"
M. Natasha Kordus
"Unpacking learning disabilities: What really works with Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Jennifer Labriola-Megee
"How to embrace reading and math challenges and make literacy-based learning work
in the classrooms with students that have learning disabilities"
Download and view 2021 presentations
Conference Details:
Date: September 23 and 24, 2022
The fourth annual Scarlett’s Park Conference focused on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children with CHARGE Syndrome. It was essential and inspirational for all families, teachers, professionals, interns, and students. Many expressed how pleased they were with so much relevant information presented – opening many avenues into the world of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children with CHARGE Syndrome.
Everyone appreciated the new research and enhanced the approaches of working with CHARGE Learners. So much information they shared was absolutely cutting-edge material for the entire field of special education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, youth, and adults.
Speakers and Presentations:
- Dr. Kasee Stratton-Gadke
"Understanding CHARGE Syndrome and Recent Research Findings" - Susanne Morgan Morrow, MA, CI/CT
"Communication Needs & Modifications to Sign Language for Learners with CHARGE" - Christopher Russell, TVI
"Availability for Learning and the CHARGE Syndrome Experience"
Everyone valued highly the comments, thoughts, and insights of the two panels: one of parents and another of young adults with CHARGE. All in all, a terrific experience for our audiences!
Another highlight of the conference was the panel of parents of children/young adults with CHARGE Syndrome moderated by: Penni Echols. The Panelists were Yessica Elliot, Matthew Jones, and Darlene Norman.
Equally cherished highlight of the conference was the panel of young Deaf and hard of hearing adults with CHARGE Syndrome moderated by Susanne Morgan Morrow. The panelists were Shannon Boelter, Meri Dwyer, Aubrey Williams, Philip Wismer.
We were honored by the presence of Heather Lightfoot Withrow, our very first Scarlett's Park Distinguished Lecturer at our inaugural conference in 2018.
Download and view 2022 presentations
Date: September 22 and 23, 2023
The fith Annual Scarlett’s Park Conference began when Dr. Kara Zografos, acting dean of the College of Health and Human Services at Fresno State, introduce Dr. Paul Ogden, founder of The Silent Garden. He in turn introduced the keynote speakers and later gave each a special award.
Speakers and Presentations:
- Dr. Lori Day
"Building Resilient Families, Schools, and Communities Through Trauma-Informed Practices" - Kasey Pendexter
"Impact of Trauma on Deaf Elementary School-Age Youth and Healing Centered Strategies" - Michelle Cline and Dan Foley
"Strategies to Support Students’ Behavioral Challenges"
Delightful panel of professionals moderated by Dr. Lori Day, including: Dr. Rosemary Wanis, Colleen Caverly, Andrea Bright-Fontana, Jenelle Thomas.
Equally cherished highlight of the conference was the panel of four young professionals moderated by Kasey Pendexter. The panelists were Dru Balsely, Noel King, Samantha Bulewich and Dr. Elly Romero.
Behind the scenes were the professional interpreters, Suzanne Conway Nikki Chance, Garret Gonazlez, and Kristen Del Rosario.
Download and view 2023 presentations
Dates: September 20 and 21
The sixth annual Scarlett's Park Conference focued on "Joy, Resilience, and Hope"
where families of deaf and hard of hearing children with special needs shared stories
of overcoming obstacles and inspiring others. Through optimism and compassion, they
are making a difference in the lives of their children. This conference provided valuable
insight and support for families and sparked inspiration and understanding. There
were six panels curated from 18 parents and panelists with lived experiences, along
with six moderators guiding discussions that provided a rich tapestry of perspectives
and experiences.
Keynote Speakers and Presenters:
- Djenne-Amal Morris
"Crossroads: The Journey of Parent to Professional" - Cat Valcourt-Pearce
"Finding Joy Amidst Chaos: Cree's Journey" - Bryan Minas
"My Journey in Life as Deaf and Autistic"
Friday, Sept. 20:
4:00 – 4:15 p.m.
Welcome Speeches by Dr. Kara Zografos, interim dean of the College of Health and Human
Services and Dr. Paul W.Ogden, founder of The Silent Garden
4:15 p.m.
Introduction by Paul W. Ogden
4:15 – 5:30 p.m.
Keynote address by Djenne-Amal Morris
“Crossroads: The Journey of Parent to Professional”
5:30 - 5:45 p.m.
5:45 – 6:45 p.m.
Panel: "Education and Socio-Emotional Needs" | Moderated by Ann Mayes
Panelists: Ukawia Johnson, Darlene Norman, Melinda Ray
6:45 – 7:00 p.m.
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Panel: "Fathers Speak Out" | Moderated by Jared Norman
Panelists: Darren Ludington, Freddy Gomez, George Walker
Saturday, Sept. 21:
8:15 a.m.
Introduction by Paul W. Ogden
8:15 - 9:30 a.m.
Keynote Address by Cat Valcourt-Pearce
“Finding Joy Amidst Chaos: Cree’s Journey”
9:30 – 9:45 a.m.
9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Panel: "Siblings and Families" | Moderated by Morgan Davies
Panelists: Taylor Hvass, Imani Morris, Kidus Yohannes
10:45 - 11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Panel: "Communicating/Working with Doctors" | Moderated by Michelle John
Panelists: Maria Austin, Yodit Amare, Kodi Ogle
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Lunch Break
1:00 p.m.
Introduction by Paul W. Ogden
1:00 – 2:15 p.m.
Keynote Address: Surprise Guest Speaker
2:15 – 2:30 p.m.
2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Panel: "Providers and Community Engagement" | Moderated by Amanda Hvass
Panelists: Imelda Rivas, Emma Gomez, Cheri Dowling
3:30 – 3:45 p.m.
3:45 – 4:45 p.m.
Panel: "Joys of Parenting" | Moderated by Amy Szarkowski
Parents: Heather Withrow, Amanda Wernicke, LaShawna Sims
4:45 – 5:00 p.m.
Closing ceremony by Paul W. Ogden