Department of Communicative Sciences and Deaf Studies
Interpreting Internship Forms & Guidelines
Below is a summary of the requirements of CSDS 175:
Mentors and Supervisors can use the Spring Course Schedule as a reference over the internship period.
Responsibilities of the Interpreting Intern: During the 12-week internship placement from September 8 to December 6 (optional November 23-27 as some sites are on vacation) students are required to complete the following forms:
- Internship Plan (due week 1)
- Intern-Mentor Agreement Form (due week 1)
- Evaluation of Student Intern (due week 5 and week 11)
- Cumulative Activity Log (due week 12)
- Pass Comprehensive Exams (Friday, November 6)
During each week of the 12-week internship placement, students are required to complete the following forms and email a copy to their university supervisor each Saturday by noon:
During the week of November 23-27 students may or may not be required to attend, however, no forms will be required that week. Student interns are also required to include in their professional portfolio a resume, letters of recommendation, certifications and / or certificates of any kind, business cards, and a copy of the letter of appreciation you provide to your interpreting mentor and/or site supervisor. Your binder will be due to your university supervisor by December 11. In addition you must:
- Abide by the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct (respecting D/deaf and hearing consumers, interpreting mentor, site supervisor, other individuals in the setting, dressing professionally, and maintaining confidentiality).
- Communicate effectively with the consumers and interpreting mentor.
- Self-evaluate the success of each interpreting situation.
- Discuss feedback from your interpreting mentors evaluations with the interpreting mentor weekly.
- Discuss thoroughly the mid-placement evaluation with the interpreting mentor.
- Arrange three sessions for observation by university supervisor, with a date provided by your university supervisor (week 2, 6, and 12). You must arrange a 20 minute meeting immediately following the observation between your interpreting mentor and university supervisor, and arrange immediately after that time a meeting time between your interpreting mentor and the university supervisor.
- If you are placed in an K-12 educational setting, request from your interpreting mentor or site supervisor an opportunity to observe an IEP meeting.
- Maintain ongoing contact with the University Supervisor and inform him or her of any conflicts that may arise.
- Maintain up-to-date health requirements (TB).
- Maintain an up-to date vocabulary / glossing list along with supplemental materials when appropriate.
- Any additional items you want to include in your portfolio (see required table of contents).
Responsibilities of the Interpreting Mentor: During the 12-week internship placement, mentors and/or site supervisors are required to complete the following forms:
- Weekly Observation Sheet of Student Intern
- Evaluation of Student Intern (due week 5 and week 11)
During the week of November 23-27 you may or may not require students to attend, however, no forms will be required that week.In addition, interpreting mentors or site supervisors are expected to:
- Orient the student to the environment and initiate his/her involvement with the D/deaf and Hard of Hearing participants during the first week.
- Inform the student intern of your expectations regarding interpreting, teaming, and acceptable intern behavior and the expectations of the internship placement site.
- Assign some specific interpreting responsibilities for the student intern to assume the first day of their second week of the internship. Follow the General Time Guidelines outlined below.
- Provide the student intern with ongoing feedback on their signing, interpreting, professionalism, and other aspects of interpreting. A one-page written feedback must be provided weekly (you may require the student intern to write down the feedback you give throughout the week and then sign the "Weekly Observation Sheet of Student Intern" form).
- Complete an "Evaluation of Student Intern" form during week 5 and 11. Discuss this with the student intern and the university supervisor.
- Inform the university supervisor of any conflicts or concerns that may arise, immediately.
- An important reminder: At no time may you ask a student intern to assume responsibilities outside of his/her own normal assigned duties as a intern. This includes having the student intern do personal errands for you, clerical duties usually reserved for classroom aides, or performing the assigned duties of another paid interpreter.
Responsibilities of the University Supervisor: During the 12-week internship placement, mentors and/or site supervisors are required to complete the following forms:
- Initial Observation (due week 2)
- Student Intern Evaluation (due week 6 and week 12)
The university interpreter coordinator will be responsible for arranging a suitable student internship placement. University supervisors are expected to:
- Explain the student internship expectations to the student.
- Observe the student intern interpreting three times and provide feedback in person (week 2, 6, and 12).
- Read and review the student intern weekly activity log, weekly reflective journal, weekly observation, weekly self-evaluation, and student intern evaluation (week 5 and 11).
- Read and review the interpreting mentor weekly observations and student intern evaluations.
- Meet with the student intern and interpreting mentor after her/his observation(s), to discuss progress.
- If the student intern is not meeting the course requirements, explain what he or she needs to do to improve.
- Review the student internship portfolio when student submits it after this placement.
- Provide support for the student intern and interpreting mentor.