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Department of Physical Therapy

Gait Clinic

Gait, Balance and Mobility Research and Education Center

The Gait, Balance and Mobility Research and Education Center (GMBC) is a clinical research and training center for the evaluation and treatment of persons with gait, balance, and mobility disorders. Dr. Peggy R. Trueblood, PhD, PT, is the founder and director of this center. She has specialized in the evaluation and treatment of people with neurological disorders including vestibular disorders and taught in the area of neurosciences for over 25 years. Dr. Trueblood and the faculty in the Department of Physical Therapy at Fresno State University are well known for their expertise in the area of balance and falls. Students training in this center are well prepared to begin Fall Prevention programs in the community, as well as evaluate and treat patients with balance, gait, and mobility disorders.

Our mission is to provide a model practice center providing new and innovative ways to deliver health care services to people with gait, balance, and mobility problems in our community through applied research, provision of community- based services, education and training of future health care professionals. The center concentrates on three focus areas:

  • Education and Training 
    Graduate and undergraduate students involved in the center are trained using highly specialized evaluation and treatment services for persons with gait, balance and mobility disturbances.
  • Model Practice 
    The needs of our senior population with gait, balance and mobility disorders require a practice model that focuses on maximizing independence through consumer education, prevention and healthy living lifestyle. Although the center was initially developed to respond to the needs of older adults at risk for falls in our community, we also have begun to develop a model practice in the assessment and treatment of children with neurological disorders affecting balance and gait.
  • Applied Research 
    Evidence-based research, conducted in the Center, has provided treatment and practice guidelines for persons (young and old) with gait, balance and mobility disorders.

 The following services are offered:

  • Complete Balance Evaluation
  • Screenings for Balance Disorders
  • Vestibular Clinical Evaluation
  • Physical Therapy Consultative Services
  • Community-based Individualized Balance Re-training Program
  • Gait Program using Partial Body Weight Treadmill Training
  • Community Outreach Fallproof Balance and Mobility Program

On-Campus Balance and Gait Intervention Program

Our department offers an 8 week, community-based intervention program for people with gait, balance, or mobility problems. This program was developed to train doctoral Physical Therapy students in the assessment and treatment of patients/clients with these types of disorders, and is supervised by by core-faculty members from the Physical Therapy Department and clinicians from the community. Our doctoral Physical Therapy students are given the opportunity to learn examination, assessment and intervention skills with a hands-on approach as they work with real-life clients with actual pathology. Students and faculty discuss each client's impairments and develop an individualized treatment plan that is carried out by the doctoral student/ student physical therapist.

This program is offered during the academic year and runs for eight weeks on Tuesdays and Thursday between the hours of 9 AM to 12 noon and 2 PM to 5 PM. Clients are scheduled for one hour sessions, two times per week with a specific doctoral Physical Therapy student. During the Fall Semester, the program begins in mid-September and ends mid to late November. During Spring Semester, the program begins in early February and ends mid to late April. Specific dates can be obtained on the application form. Clients may self-refer or be referred by a physician and/or a physical therapist. 

Enrollment Criteria

1) physician's clearance
2) Balance or gait problem
3) Able to ambulate with or without an assistive device
4) fee of $300 for the 8 weeks

If interested, please contact the Gait, Balance and Mobility Center at (559) 278-4148 or the Department of Physical Therapy at (559) 278-2625. Or, complete the application and physician's clearance below and mail to Department of Physical Therapy 5315 Campus Drive M/S PT29 Fresno, CA 93740. 
