Department of Public Health
Electronic Resources
The Department of Public Health uses the following electronic resources to communicate with its intended audience.
Undergraduate Listserv
To subscribe to the department's listserv you will need to send an email message containing a "subscribe" command to the LISTSERV program. For example:
- To:
------------Message Text-----------------
Subscribe hsundergrads first name last name
(example: subscribe hsundergrads Mickey Mouse)
Graduate Listserv
To subscribe to the Master of Public Health program's listserv you will need to send an email message containing a "subscribe" command to the LISTSERV program. For example:
- To:
------------Message Text---------------
Subscribe MPH first name last name
( example: subscribe MPH Mickey Mouse)
MPHALUM Listserv
To subscribe to the department's alumni listserv you will need to send an email message containing a "subscribe" command to the LISTSERV program. For example:
- To:
------------Message Text---------------
Subscribe MPHALUM first name last name
(example: subscribe MPHALUM Mickey Mouse)