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Department of Recreation Administration

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started in Recreation

To apply for any California State University you'll need to register at Cal State Apply. You will find all the information you need to apply for Fresno State and our program. The deadlines for applying for each semester are also available, so make sure you check it out soon!

Welcome to the exciting world of Recreation! Our Department Chair, Dr. Michael Mahoney, would love to go over our major information with you to guide you into what area would suit you best according to YOUR intersts and goals. You can reach out to him directly at

You'll need to complete a Time Conflict form and submit it before the 20th day of instructions. Please follow the directions on the form. Note: the form is routed online through Adobe Sign, but there is an option to print a hard copy to fill in.

In order to get you settled in, you'll want to speak with your option area advisor. You can find them listed here by area and their contact information at the bottom of each of their pages. You will then need to follow the steps to complete a change of major form which can be found on the University Registrar's website. All the instructions are provided there and your advisors can help you through the process. We're so excited to have you as part of the recreation family! 

Change of Major/Minor request (less than 144 units) 

Change of Major/Minor request (more than 144 units)

  • Please read both pages of the form in order to understand the required signatures.
  • Please complete one form per transaction request.Email form from Fresno State email to; processing time: 3-5 business days.
  • Note: Newly admitted students CAN NOT change major/minor until after 20th day of instruction (Census Date).
  • If you have applied for graduation as an undergraduate, you must submit the form to Undergraduate Degree Evaluations at
  • Each undergraduate student who wishes to change his or her major or minor must do so by following the instructions on the on-line major change request form to initiate the procedure.
  • New graduate and postbaccalaureate students should visit the Graduate Admissions Office, Joyal Administration Building, Room 121.  
  • Continuing graduate and postbaccalaureate students should visit the Division of Graduate Studies Office, Thomas Administration Building, Room 132.  
  • International students should visit the International Admissions Office, Joyal Administration Building, Room 211.


We understand not every student's passion is recreation, but we love that we can collaborate with so many of you! Each of our certificates and the applications can be found here. There is a link to download the application for the certificate in your area of interest which lists the classes you will need to take. For the certificate, all of classes required are open to non-majors. 

For the first week of registration some classes are locked for our majors only to ensure they are able to enroll in the courses they need to graduate on time. After that first week, they then open to all students. Scheduling does have to complete this in the system manually so please check back frequently the Monday after the first week of registration. If by Tuesday the course has still not opened, please reach out to our office at 559.278.2838.

You will want to make sure you are enrolled in a corresponding lecture listed on the certificate application first. For example, the Serving Youth At-Risk certificate requires you to be enrolled in RA 113 concurrently with RA 115. Once you are enrolled in RA 113, the office can issue you a permission number for RA 115. RA 115 is an online activity course and there is plenty of space available for everyone looking to complete a certificate! 

Each certificate has instructions for turning in your application. Key points to remember are:

1. You must attach a copy of your unofficial transcript or DPR report that shows your final grade for all the required classes.

2. Courses listed must be complete; we will not accept "in progress" courses. 

3. You will want to list your name exactly as you want it to appear on the certificate and the address it should be mailed to.

There is no due date for certificate applications; our department will process them during the entire year.

Please email your application and attachments to

*Please note: During campus breaks and the summer months when faculty is off campus, processing times are delayed. We thank you for your patience.

General Questions

No worries, we get this all the time! We are actually an academic major and not a part of the Student Recreation Center. You can find their information here.

Not to worry again! We also would not be the stop for this, but, you can reach out to the University Reservation Center at 559.278.6024 and they would be happy to assist you with this.